General information

Vavilov Memorial is conceived as a special event well beyond a regular scientific conference or workshop. Apart from purely mathematical talks, we plan several lectures devoted to scientific computing, teaching mathematics for mathematicians and non-mathematicians, logic and philosophy. Accordingly, we plan a special format so that keynote speakers will deliver longer lectures, most there of acceptable for a wide audience. The mathematical part is focused on recent achievements in the structure theory of linear algebraic groups, with applications to related problems of representation theory, finite groups, asymptotic group theory, word maps, model theory, Kac-Moody groups and algebras, Chevalley groups and Lie algebras, K-theory, and the like. These subjects reflect the wide range of interests of the outstanding scientist and teacher Professor Nikolai Vavilov who suddenly passed away on September 14, 2023. The whole event is dedicated to his memory.

We plan three working days, each day containing plenary talks and lectures of invited speakers.

List of confirmed invited speakers

1952 — 2023